What's new


This website has been updated to use v1.7.6 of GBIF Alert (changelog).


This website has been updated to use v1.7.5 of GBIF Alert (changelog).


This website has been updated to use v1.7.3 of GBIF Alert, which fixes two small bugs.


This website has been updated to use v1.7.2 of GBIF Alert, which brings multiple improvements.


Removed genus Carpobrotus from the species list (tag: DVW species list). Genus or higher taxon ranks are not (yet) supported. See issue #274.


The species of the checklist "DVW - priority species list of the Flemish Waterways Authority" are added. You can easily find them by using the tag "DVW species list".


New areas are available: Belgian municipalities (#18) and Wallonian river basins (#10)


This website has been updated to use v1.7.0 of GBIF Alert, which brings multiple improvements.


This website has been updated to use v1.6.1 of GBIF Alert, which fixes a single typo.


Major new feature: the user interface is now available in Dutch.

Data: new areas are available (Flemish river basins)

This website has been updated to use v1.6.0 of GBIF Alert, which brings multiple other improvements.


Major new feature: registered users can now upload their own areas.

Data: new areas are available (source: DE VLAAMSE WATERWEG)

This website has been updated to use v1.5.0 of GBIF Alert, which brings multiple other improvements.


This website has been updated to use v1.4.0 of GBIF Alert, which brings multiple improvements.


The configuration has been updated so only observations after 2013 are used to populate the system.

This website has been updated to use v1.3.2 of GBIF Alert, which will solve recent data update issues.


This website has been updated to use v1.3.1 of GBIF Alert, which brings multiple improvements.


This website has been updated to use v1.2.1 of GBIF Alert. This release fixes a menu display bug.


This website is now built upon a reusable engine, GBIF Alert. Version 1.2.0 has been deployed.


List of species has been extended to include the entire List of Species of Union Concern. Notice we are using Vespa velutina (species) instead of Vespa velutina nigrithorax (subspecies).

2023-07-05 (d826360)

  • Filters: new area selector
  • Filters: new dataset selector
  • The create / edit alert page make use of the new selectors (species / area / dataset), for consistency and easier editing
  • Ground work for custom (per-user) area
  • Code cleanup, updated (frontend and backend) dependencies and improved robustness


  • The site is now also available in French / Le site est maintenant également disponible en français

2023-06-06 (80a6abd)

  • Fixed a bug that prevented users to reset their password (#230)
  • Changed the alert-species relationship logic so it's not possible to implicitly select all species, see #228
  • Dependency upgrades and code improvements

2023-05-24 (cdede2d)

  • Only observations after year 2000 are now loaded in the system
  • Ground work to make the website multilanguage (NL / EN / FR)
  • multiple bug fixes and dependency upgrades

2023-03-29 (5bbb3a0)

  • Improved species selector (sortable, searchable, select all feature, tags, ...)
  • Multiple under-the-hood improvements

2023-03-21 (5f6010d)

  • Buttons to manage alerts are now directly available on the "alert details" page (#205)
  • Small user-interface improvement (#140)
  • Better API performance (#208)
  • Many internal fixes, improvements and ground work for better re-usability of the web application engine

2023-03-14 (58ca775)

  • Registered users can now edit their alerts (#120)

2023-03-08 (df96c57)

  • This "What's new" page has been added (#168)


  • A registered user can now delete its own account (see "my profile" page)(#179)
  • Multiple bug fixes and small usability improvements